BDT: Audi B9 S5 Maintenance

Posted by TJ on Feb 19th 2022

BDT: Audi B9 S5 Maintenance

How's it going, BDT Squad? 

Big things have been happening over here at the BDT compound! As you know we started getting to work with the b9 s5 platform, and wow is she looking good! We've installed a p3 gauge, a front grille, a front lip, AND a BDT Stage 1 Tune.

If you missed the Stage 1 Dyno video you can find it here: 

Now that she's looking good, it's time to start giving her that BDT sauce! 

That being said, next on our list of b9 to do's is none other that some good ole maintenance! Just like the MQB platform, we are going to be giving you guys some good DIY maintenance videos as we get it done! 

Once maintenance is done, it's time for some upgrades